Configure and buy the Careguide for HR now.
Human resources staff play a special role when it comes to care & co-related issues in a company. They serve as qualified points of contact for work-care balance inquiries, assisting both general staff and line managers. The Careguide for HR staff provides an introduction to the topic of work & care, covering the role of HR, tips and tricks for successful communication and an overview of the most important information platforms related to family care.
This includes a presentation with speaker notes for independently presenting the topic of work & care, with a focus on human resources. You will also receive discussion templates and informational material for managers as a PDF file.
All documents are available in German, French, Italian and English.
HR employees learn about the challenges of work-care balance. You will be provided with possible solutions. You will receive tips and tricks on how to conduct successful discussions as well as information on external sources of support. You will also be prepared for your important role as a mediator between line managers and staff.
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As a member of profawo, you enable your employees to combine family and work more easily - for a family-friendly image and your employer branding.
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